Jones Investments 11th Edition

Jones Investments 11th Edition 3,8/5 9712reviews
Edward Jones Investments

IT I S IMPORTA N T TO NOTE THAT Chapter 1 discusses some important i ss ues, such as the expected return--risk tradeoff that governs the inv est m ent proce ss, the uncertainty that dominates inv estme n t decisions, the globa li zation o f inves tments, and the impact o f ins titut i o n a l invest o rs. As such, the chapter sets th e to ne f or the e nti re text a nd explains t o t he reader what Investme nt s is a ll abo ut. It e stablis hes a bas ic f ra m e work f o r the co urse with o ut g o ing i nto too much detail at t h e o utset. Chapter 1 also contains some material that will be of direct interest to students, including the im po rtance o f st u d ying inves tments (using il lustrations of the wealth that can be acc umulated by compo unding o v er long periods of time) a n d inves tm en ts as a profession. The CFA designation i s discussed, a nd the Appendix for C h ap ter 1 co ntains a more detailed description of the CFA pro g ram. Equally important, C ha pter 1 does.

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Cover calculations and statistical concepts, data on asset ret urns, and so f o rth, e ither in the c hapter or a n appe ndix. The a uthor f ee ls stro ngly that Chapter 1 is not the place to do this when most students have little knowledge of what the subject is a ll abo ut. Template Kartu Undangan Pernikahan Cdr more. They are not read y f or th i s type of importa nt m a teria l, and since it will not be used immediate ly the y will lose sight o f why it w as introduce d. The author belie ves that it i s much m ore e ffec tive to introd uce th e students. To what the subject inv o lves. It is highly desirable for instructors to add their own viewpoints at the outset of the course; perhaps using recent stories from the popular press to emphasize what investments is concer ned with, why stude nt s shou l d be interested in the subject, and so f o rth. O ne i nterest ing and im por tant topic that c a n be discussed in cl ass is i nves tment fr a ud.

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