Hamburg Eddh Aerosoft Twin

Hamburg Eddh Aerosoft Twin 3,5/5 3126reviews

Richard, I have both: Justsim and Aerosoft EDDH. Unfortunately neither is fully convincing. Justsim delivers up-to-date optics, but the 'feel' isn't right (e.g.

The new cargo center sits way too high in the approach as irl it is built in a basin; several embankments are not modeled, the geometry of the tower is slightly off). But the absolute showstopper for me is the night lighting: runway lights can be seen from 50 miles out as a bright lightstrip, and the ground flickers like a tv screen without signal ('snow') when illuminated by dynamic lighting from the PMDG 737 taxi- or landing lights. Aerosoft EDDH looks pretty oldfashioned and is definitely not state-of-the art. But the above mentioned 'feel' for me as a local is slightly better, the night lighting is superior in look and performance and as I got it for the upgrade fee I won't complain.

Anyone tried out the newly released Aerosoft Hamburg Professional yet? Aerosoft EDDH looks pretty oldfashioned and is definitely not state-of-the art. Aerosoft are continuing their support for Laminar Research X-Plane 10, with the addition of Hamburg Airport (EDDH/HAM) for the sim. Rhythmic Training Robert Starer Pdf Download. Situated in Northern Germany, EDDH is a sizable airport, less than 10km from Hamburg city centre.

Hamburg Eddh Aerosoft Twin

It's an old product converted to a new sim and therefore the label 'Professional' is misleading imho. Unfortunately I doubt Jo Erlend will go for EDDH as there are already two competitors. Lutterloh Pattern Supplements here. Truth be told, I'm usually pleased with most of my AeroSoft purchases. In terms of their 'Professional' product line, I have both Heathrow and Frankfurt; I was thinking about purchasing Hamburg but went for their Frankfurt for XP11 (Yes, I know it's not P3D). And let me tell you, its a masterpiece, I hope Prepar3d can one day match the lighting effect of XP. Anyways, I'm not exactly sure who the developers are for Hamburg, but I don't think you'll be disappointed, considering that Aerosoft publishes good quality products (mostly). Kind regards.

Hamburg Eddh Aerosoft Twin

Save File Re5 Gold Pc. Thanks for the input guys. As for Jo I didn't mean he should do another EDDH but rather more in general he IMO seems to be one of few developers over at Aerosoft that keeps releasing truly amazing products that makes you go 'Wow.' Which certainly isn't the case with some other Aerosoft titles. When Jo releases a new product I never hesitate to get it as long as it's a destination I have any interest in. As for the Pro line I thought it was said the Pro line meant these were products that were not just migrated old products to work with P3Dv4 but rather brand new products using P3Dv4 exclusive features etc.

That doesn't seem to be the case here though after reading some of your comments so maybe I don't remember it correctly.

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