Bluej Programs On Arrays For Isc

Bluej Programs On Arrays For Isc 3,6/5 6232reviews

Program Number 1 Write a program to accept a date in the string format dd/mm/yyyy and accept the name of the day on 1st of January of the corresponding year. Find the day for the given date. Example: INPUT Date: 5/7/2002 Day on 1st January of that year. OUTPUT Day on 5/7/2001: THURSDAY already posted in this blog. Program Number 2 The input in this problem will consists of a number of lines of English text consisting of the letters of the English alphabet, the punctuation marks (‘) apostrophe, (.) full stop, (,) comma, (;)semicolon, (:) colon and white space characters (blank, newline).

Date programs for bluej for ISC project or school work by ketanp_61 in Types >School Work, java, and free. Warrior Orochi 3 Ultimate English on this page. U He Diva 1 3 Keygen.

Bluej Program EditorBluej Tutorial

Your task is to print the word of the text in reverse order without a punctuation marks other than blanks. For example consider the following input text: This is a sample piece of text to illustrate this problem. Botal Bhi Utha Laya Song Download on this page. If you are smart you will solve this right. The corresponding output would read as: right this solve will you smart are you If problem this illustrate to text of piece The first line of input contains a single integer N (.

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